Setiabudi Sky Garden – Apartment for Sale

Please contact : Juliandi ( 081310255479 )

      Please click the below image
Setiabudi Sky Garden

Setiabudi SkyGarden – Jakarta
Own Your Harmony
The Ultimate Living Experience Begins Here

A residential comprising of 2 luxurious condominium towers adjacent to a service apartment. Featuring the largest Open Air area in Jakarta CBD, where nature integrates as a vital part of quality living.

Location : Setiabudi, Kuningan
Total Site Area :   + 19,775 sqm
No. of Tower : 3
(2 condominiums & 1 service apartment)

Legal Title : Strata Title on HGB Land

No. of Floor :
Tower 1 (Sky Tower) = 41 Floors
Tower 2 (Garden Tower) = 34 Floors
Tower 3 (Service Apartment) = 28 Floors

Total Units : 586 units

Unit Type : 2 Bedroom : 63 – 93 sqm, 3 Bedroom : 135 – 155 sqm




Location – Bird Eye View

Site Plan

(Click the image)


Please contact : Juliandi ( 081310255479 )



Floor Plan

41 Floors, 1 Floor = 11 units, Total = 426 units
2 BedRoom (63, 79, 89, 93 sqm). 3 BedRoom (135 sqm)
Sky Tower = 4 passenger lift & 1 service lift

Sky Tower – Layout

(Click the image)



Floor Plan

34 Floors, 1 Floor = 5 units, Total = 160 units
3 BedRoom (136 & 155 sqm)
Garden Tower = 3 passenger lift & 1 service lift

Garden Tower – Layout

(Click the image)

Price (2016) : + Rp. …. Million/sqm
notes: price and availability unit are subject to change without prior notice.


Developer : PT. Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional, Tbk.
(JO with PT Rasuna Setiabudi Raya)

Architect : Shimizu Corporation (Japan)

Landscaping : Tongg Clarke & McCelvey (USA)

Contractor : PT Acset Indonusa


Please contact : Juliandi ( 081310255479 )



(Click the image)


Disclaimer – While every reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this brochure, the developer and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All statements are believed to be correct but are not to be regarded as statement of representation of fact. Rendering and illustrations are artist impressions for presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact.


For those who are interested to own the unit of Setiabudi SkyGarden,
Please contact : ( Juliandi ) 081310255479, or email [email protected] .


Apabila anda tertarik untuk memiliki unit Apartemen di Setiabudi SkyGarden,
Silakan hubungi : ( Juliandi ) 081310255479, atau email [email protected] .

Anda bisa juga isi form balasan dibawah ini untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai lokasi, harga, dll.
Apabila ingin mendapatkan respon yang cepat, mohon “cantumkan no HP dan email anda”, silakan tulis :

Saya berminat untuk memiliki unit apartment di Setiabudhi Sky Garden, mohon hubungi saya di no HP……………. untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai harga, unit yang tersedia, dll.

catatan : email & no HP anda tidak akan dicantumkan di website ini


Untuk apartemen lain di Jakarta Selatan, silakan Klik DISINI

Pls Contact: Juliandi (08131025549) SSG dijual Apartemen setiabudi residence 2 II apt kuningan Jakarta Pusat Selatan Jual Beli Website Harga Price Lokasi Area Sales Contact Phone Telepon Kantor Agen Pemasaran Marketing Gallery Map Layout Location Show Unit Properti Property Developer JSI


catatan: Semua data, ilustrasi (rendering / artist’s impression) yang terlampir berdasarkan situasi dan kondisi pada masa persiapan. Perubahan dapat terjadi disesuaikan dengan kondisi lapangan untuk penyempurnaan dan merupakan hak penuh developer.

7 thoughts on “Setiabudi Sky Garden – Apartment for Sale

  1. saya berminat invest di apartment ini. tolong email unit yg masih tersedia dan harga terbaru. awal bulan depan saya visit ke jkt. ditunggu infonya utk saya pelajari dulu. trims

  2. Please inform me, the price of 2 bedrooms and 3 bedrooms ,
    Waiting for ur information, thankyou

  3. Saya butuh informasi mengenai harga saat ini, dan luasan unitnya serta diskonnya, bisa dibantu. Terima kasih

  4. Saya mau tanya mengenai harganya. Untuk 2 bedroom harganya berapa? Dan apa sudah termasuk dengan furniture? Cara pembayaran dan lain2nya mohon dikirim by email. Hubungi saya melalui hp 081298XXXXX (call only). Thanks

  5. “Saya berminat untuk memiliki unit apartment di Setiabudhi Sky Garden, mohon hubungi saya di no 08115XXXXX untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai detail harga, cara pembayaran, dll.”

  6. Saya berminat untuk memiliki apartemen di sky garden, mohon infonya di email atau 08112XXXXX. Thanks.

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